Battalion Park School Apparel Online Store

Welcome to Battalion Park School Apparel Store!


It’s time to show your BPS spirit with some BPS gear!

Orders are best processed through our on-line store.  Our BPS store will be open to order in Spring 2025.

Please review the size chart carefully before ordering. Unworn or unwashed garments can be exchanged. No refunds will be available after purchase.

Order and Payment Options:
Option #1: Order online and pay online – this is our recommended option. Order and pay through our secure website.
Option #2: Order online and pay at the school’s Core office – order on-line, then print your order form, and bring to office along with your payment. Payment must be received within 7 business days of order!

Apparel Delivery: All apparel will be delivered to students unless indicated otherwise. Please select your preferred delivery option.

For any inquiries, please email us directly at

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